Root Chakra Healing Workshop

Root Chakra Healing Workshop

A transformative journey designed to help you cultivate a strong foundation, release blocked energies, and restore balance in your root chakra. The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is the energetic center located at the base of your spine and is associated with feelings of security, stability, and a sense of belonging.

Begin your journey by delving into the fundamentals of the root chakra. Gain insights into its significance in your overall well-being and how imbalances in this energy center can manifest in your life.

Experience guided meditations crafted to connect you with the energy of the earth. Learn breathwork techniques that aid in grounding, fostering a sense of safety, and enhancing your connection with the present moment.

Engage in a gentle and rejuvenating yoga session specifically curated to activate and balance the root chakra. Explore asanas (poses) that promote stability, strength, and resilience.

Then we will activate the Root Chakra with Ecstatic Dance!

Note: Please wear comfortable clothing suitable for yoga and movement. No prior experience is required; this workshop is open to all levels of participants.
Length: 41 minutes

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Root Chakra Healing Workshop
  • Root Chakra Healing Workshop

    A transformative journey designed to help you cultivate a strong foundation, release blocked energies, and restore balance in your root chakra. The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is the energetic center located at the base of your spine and is associated with feelings of security, stabilit...